A foreign country and a bloodhound brain #autism

I follow trails – endless trails, down endless rabbit holes it seems, which echo with endless bile and all that political chatter. Not idle. No. But quite quite mountainous.

And yet my ‘unusual brain’ (a bloodhound of sorts) hunts on (and on). Seeking patterns to arrive at meanings. This time predicated on fear.

diversity and a piece of white plastic

Brilliance. Another reblog – two in one day. I don’t reblog, have never reblogged but this this GOLD. Autist at Work has written brilliantly about the in-between spaces we find ourselves as artist professionals missing opportunity because we are in no category that is recognised or catered for. A must read for artists and artsContinue reading “diversity and a piece of white plastic”

Basic Accomodations – I’m Not Disabled By My Autism, I’m Disabled By Unacomodating People

I never reblog but this is exceptional – in it’s clarity about work accommodations and the disabling nature of unaccommodating colleagues or workplaces. I’m working on this issue myself and so the timing is perfect. Huge TY to Anonymously Autistic who wrote this post.

Autism: sensory challenge, overload and functionality at work.

I think that for ‘neurologically biased’ we should read neurological privilege and allow that working accommodations begin right there. But first the bias must be revealed and spoken.